White & Schilling
Eau Claire Attorney | Bankruptcy Attorney | Social Security Lawyer
Looking for a bankruptcy or social security attorney? Consult with Eau Claire law firm White and Schilliing. Put our extensive experience as bankruptcy and social security disability lawyers to work for you.
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Social Security Disability Attorney
We can help. As Social Security Attorneys, we get paid only when we win. Our fee is the same no matter when we begin work on your case, so it's in your best interest to retain us early – after you get your first denial. If you wait until you have a hearing date to get an attorney, that also means we may not have sufficient time to properly prepare your case. Let us take a big weight off your shoulders by filing your appeals carefully and professionally. When you retain us, you will no longer have to worry about your case. You hired us to worry for you. If you continue to worry, one of us will be wasting worry time!